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Modesty as Big as the Moon

Modesty as Big as the Moon


Normálna cena £0.99 GBP
Normálna cena Zľavnená cena £0.99 GBP
V zľave Vypredané
Vrátane dane. Poštovné vypočítané pri pokladni.
This story, based on real events, tells about the perseverance and determination of little Neil, who was fascinated by flying. Through hard work and years of effort, he eventually became the first man on the Moon. It can also inspire today's children and show them what their efforts can bring.

The recording used is the original sound recording from the NASA Apollo 11 mission on July 21, 1969. It contains the actual recording of astronaut Neil Armstrong's words when human feet first set foot on the surface of the moon. The recording comes from the NASA archives and is publicly available at

Narrated by: Richard Usher
Produced by: Aibee Pauline Brion, Michal Kentos
All rights reserved © Readmio

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