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Microbe Patrick’s Letter to Kids Everywhere

Microbe Patrick’s Letter to Kids Everywhere


Normálna cena $1.49 CAD
Normálna cena Zľavnená cena $1.49 CAD
V zľave Vypredané
Vrátane dane. Poštovné vypočítané pri pokladni.
Patrick knows humans very well — but he is neither human nor animal. He’s a tiny microbe that lives inside a human body. But don't worry, he doesn’t harm the person, quite the opposite. He helps them to keep their body healthy. What worries him most, though, is that many children don’t know how to take care of their tummies, and they, therefore, feel unwell a lot of the time. So in order to enlighten children about this delicate matter, he wrote a letter in the form of a story. Read it together!

Narrated by: Richard Usher
Produced by: Aibee Pauline Brion, Michal Kentos
All rights reserved © Readmio

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