Nestarnúca klasika - Album
Nestarnúca klasika - Album
Nestarnúca klasika je album vybraných audio rozprávok, ktoré sú tu s nami od nepamäti a dúfame, že ešte dlho budú. Započúvajte sa do príbehov troch prasiatok, hrnčeka, ktorý počúval len na slovičko ďakujem a ďalších. Album obsahuje 8 audio rozprávok nahratých slovenskými hercami.
Album obsahuje:
- Cisárove nové šaty
- Dlhý, Široký, Bystrozraký
- Hrnček var
- Janko Hraško
- Koza rohatá a jež
- O Jankovi a Marienke
- O kobylke a mravcoch
- O Troch prasiatkach
- Princ a žaba
Listen with Children
Your presence while listening to audiobooks has a positive effect. If you also maintain physical contact (holding hands, stroking the head), it's even better.
Instant delivery
Audiobooks, coloring books or worksheets are delivered immediately after purchase to your email address. For physical products, the delivery time is indicated in the description.
For personal use
Purchased products are intended for personal use only. You can share them with your family or use them during lessons at school or kindergarten. You may not resell them, publish them, or play them in public.